WEt international inc.

logo redesign and rebranding

One of my first tasks when working at WET International Inc. was to rebrand the company. This rebrand included a new logo, colors, fonts, and a new web presence. When designing the new logo, I didn’t want to make it feel like a new company. I wanted to make it feel like a refresh. Because of this, I used similar blues and wanted to try to keep some form of water droplet. After much trial and error we arrived at the new logo, as pictured above. Below you will find the progression of making the new logo.

Process 5.jpg

This was the final design with the colors and fonts that were chosen for branding.

Envirosuds logo refresh

Not only did I rebrand the main company logo, I also refreshed one of their brands’ logos as well. Envirosuds is the brand that all of the household and commercial cleaners, such as laundry detergent, fall under.